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Writer's pictureElif Nur Saleh

Job burn-out & what we can do to find relief

I can'tstress enough how important your mental health is and how job burn-out can affect it.

Job / workplace burnout is a real thing and all too common these days.

Burn-out can be caused by a number of things that mayinclude

• a toxic workplace

• overworking

• no appreciation for the work you do

• unclear job expectations

• work/life imbalance

• dysfunctional work culture

• chaotic workplace

• irregular work schedule

• lack of social support



Here are a few things that I find beneficial:

♡ Take time out for yourselves

♡ Spend time with your loved ones

♡ Take a vacation and disconnect from work and from social media, etc.

♡ Work on implementing regular exercise and a healthy diet into your lifestyle

♡ Look into learning and earning new certifications and maybe finding another role or a different career path

♡ Most important to me, is taking time out of my day, for my daily prayers and connecting with Allah.

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