AsSalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh to all my lovely sisters out there.
Today is friday, jummah day, I hope you all had a blessed and wonderful day filled with lots of happiness, contentment and positivity .
My life recently has been crazy busy with work and studies. My line of work (pharmacy) can be challenging sometimes, I deal with alot of people (some nice and some not so much) on the daily and have to study all the time. I always have to keep in mind that maybe the not so nice customers are going through some kind of problems in their life and that also it's better to treat people with kindness no matter what (maybe that will change their day to a better day and maybe it will change their life for the better later) Allah knows best💗
I just want to let you all know that you can accomplish whatever it is that you put your mind to (with Allah's help) of course!
You're all worthy, beautiful, awesome, and all very intelligent , you just have to be persistent, study hard and rely on Allah first and foremost.
Always, always remain humble in your success and accomplishments because Allah has gifted it to you and it can be taken away just as easily if you throw around negativity and ungratefulness.
So , keep your head up, keep smiling and keep being kind to everyone. 😇
Remember also to treat ppl with your manners, not with theirs 🌹🌼⚘
AsSalamu alaikum